Welcome to ConceptGT

Your small but fine GT racing community


Join ConceptGT

Become part of our GT racing community

What you need to do!

To become part of our community and participate in the races you just have to join our Discord.

  • Join ur Discord

    We look forward to seeing you on our Discord, say hello!

If you have joined our Discord we are happy to welcome you as a new member of ConceptGT! Get familiar with our Discord and become part of our little family. We are looking forward to many great races!

Discord Members


League Races

FIA/Admin Members

ACC League Racing

ACC League Racing

An overview of our Seasons



All information about our server

Sprint Races

Public 25 minutes races

Private Practice

Official Practice Server

League Race

Official League Race

You can always find the Server in the ACC Server Browser

Server name
Server password
Sprint Races

From Tuesday to Sunday evening the server is in Sprint format. Different tracks, 25 minutes race without password. Sprint races are there to bridge the time between races and to be able to race at any time.

Private Practice

As of Sunday 19 o'clock the server is in training format. Weather time and so on is the same as in the next league race. The server is password protected and only accessible to league participants.

League Race

Tuesday 7 pm starts the last hour of practice before the 20 minutes Qualifying. After the Qualifying follows the 45 minutes long race.



Youtube Tutorial

You can find the link to the Google Drive on our Discord



Some screenshots from our last league races


Our Team

The team behind ConceptGT

Moltisanti - L.Mol

Founder | Management

Maarten - M. Kunne

Founder | Management

OberbonzePipapo - J.Wolf


Ferri - F.Schreuder


SexyPuuly - P. Seel


StefanS - S.Sainög
